Cup Cup Cupcakes


The french bakery, Cup Cup, has an incredible web design perspective creating an even stronger urge for the viewer to purchase their baked goods. The shop specializes in cupcakes, a common trend among specialty shops and bakeries around the globe. Cup Cup’s home page makes it seem as though you are looking in their store front window at a few of their cupcakes on a moving conniver belt. The cupcakes almost pop out of the screen and look as if they are sitting on top of a shelf, awaiting for the viewer to simply grab whichever looks pleasing. The color scheme and simplicity of the website also places an emphasis on the detail of each baked good. The interactive home page also allows the viewer to click on each item for more specific details on the recipes and ingredients of each flavor. Overall, I think this website does a very effective job at formatting there website because of the simplicity and interactive design. For a specialty market with so much competition it is vital to take the next step and extenuate these other feature of the business, in order to stay on top.

3 thoughts on “Cup Cup Cupcakes

  1. I also really like the formatting on this webpage, it is very unique that you feel like you are in a store designing your own cupcake, and I have never seen anything like it. It is very cool that you can access recipes, and this structure really sets it aside from other food companies.

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